Then you should check out MyAnimeList! Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Episode 26 Ending Explanation (By OriginANIME) ( 1 2 3) funkotaku 147 by MaskedEconomist »» Feb 19, 755 PM Poll Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Episode Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 Last Page) Nayrael 266 by iLoveWater »» Jan 30, 1246 AM Phantom Requiem for the Phantom is one such anime Let's start with the beginning A Japanese man wakes up one day in a dingy room with no idea of how he got there or memory of who he is Excellent start – we are straight into a moment of high conflict that generates many questions for the audience
It S All About Anime Phantom Requiem For The Phantom
Phantom requiem for the phantom manga ending
Phantom requiem for the phantom manga ending- I think so It was the end If he isn't alive, then his story is finished He can't do anything else unless we follow him to life after death or he comes back as a ghost Since he has been known to go back and forth between assassin and not assasin throughout the series due to various reasons, I think it was best to end with his death Requiem for the phantom has a really cruel end, but logical and dramatic, who criticize him for that, I really doubt it has ue understood and even less if you have seen in RAW Snake, Solid Snake at 718 am 12 years ago

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Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Genre Action, Drame Année 09 Synopsis Phantom est le nom qui caractérise l'assassin le plus performant d'Inferno, une organisation mafieuse de l'ouest des ÉtatsUnis Le Phantom est considéré comme le meilleur sniper au monde, et son nom possède une réputation internationale Première Période 0600 Platinum End Anime Casts Kaito Ishikawa, Kikuko Inoue, Tomoaki Maeno, Phantom Requiem for the Phantom (manga) Have you read this?YirGame Phantom Requiem for the Phantom, Phantom (HIIRAGI Masaki), Phantom of Inferno, ファントム~Requiem for the Phantom~, 幻灵镇魂曲phantom series
Phantom Requiem for the Phantom With Miyu Irino, Newton Pittman, Ayahi Takagaki, Lindsay Seidel The story of two brainwashed assassins, Ein and Zwei, who struggle to regain their memories as they work for the Inferno crime syndicateGo back to Phantom Requiem for the Phantom main page Release dates (Japan volume 1) (Japan volume 2)Read now at Best Manga, Free Manga, Read Manga Online, Manhua, Manhwa!
Phantom~Requiem for the Phantom~, is an action, assassin related anime, based off a visual novel As such, there are several endings, each relating to a different female character according to what I was told It was and interesting anime overall, and I was addicted to it The openings and endings were outofthisworldawesome The anime ending is different from the visual novel Ein and Zwei were definitely together in that last scene because Ein was talking to him The poisonous flower idea is a fan theory without official source There are no official explanations of what happened in the last scene1 Chap 1 Vol 01Everyday Deception 52MB 4 years ago Similar Phantom Requiem for the Phantom manga Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Jika Renai Chuudoku Jikan Akima Jinbutsu Jin Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai Jinbe JingKu Jinja no Susume Jinjuu Houretsuden

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Phantom Requiem For The Phantom Episode 26 End Josh S Anime Blog
Phantom Requiem for the Phantom prende la Ein true ending del visual novel e ne apporta alcune modifiche Detto questo spicca assolutamente il lato psicologico e drammatico della vicenda, un seinen d'azione e psicologia in cui l'azione non è troppo violenta, interessante ed emozionante nei contenuti, un'ost intensa e ben correlata alle situazioniA recap is shown of the events leading up to the finale and three months after Reiji's near fatal death at the hands of the Scythe Master in the wharf district of San Francisco, Inferno was able to take control of some of the crime families inKokia Transparent Requiem For The Phantom Ending FULL Lyrics on Screen Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to unmute If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting

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Herald Views Phantom Requiem For The Phantom Episode 1 Anime Herald
There are going to be enormous spoilers for Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ (particularly the very end) within this postRead at your own risk Phantom's ending has unleashed a shitstorm in various places around the 'net — there are people who love it, and people who are incredibly pissed off at itLots of Bee Troll and Bee Trainwreck accusations are being thrownPhantom Requiem for the Phantom With the clock ticking, both Ein and Inferno move to put an end to the Phantom's deadly game 24 Faceoff 23 min 1,99 $ CAD Regarder Faceoff Saison 1 Manga Fermer Durée 26 épisodes (10 h 21 min) Plus Durée 26Phantom Requiem for the phantom ENDING EXPLANATION!!

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Und was ist mit Elen? Project Phantom (Aria Finale) by CrystalMoonlightII reviews Reiji and Cal reunite after two years apart, determined to find freedom together However, even after the death of Scythe, McGuire continues to pull the strings from behind the scenes Alas, the Phantoms have two choices, destroy Inferno for good, or keep on runningA tragic ending to a tragic tale but satisfying in the sense that it is logical from a psychological point of viewThe agency has ruined their psyches, and there is

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List Phantom Requiem for the Phantom's chaps # Chap Title Download Updated;This ending will give the player the last part of the ending password There is also an additional "bad" ending exclusively for Phantom Integration that can be found in Chapter 3 In order to acquire this ending, the player must have completely fulfilled Cal's path back in chapter 2 (choose to make love to her) and then choose to search for Ein in chapter 3The Phantom Requiem for the Phantom manga free summaryA spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno "Phantom" is their most strongest and capable

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Phantom Requiem For The Phantom 26 End Random Curiosity
My Rating92/10 Similar Anime *Monster (Doesn't have too much similarity on the genre,plot or characters but both have a very realistic approach to their respective stories and characters) *Gungrave (Another Gangster animeThough it has far more action than Phantom both the series manage to pull of a very perfectly well executed Gangster ich habe gerade den Anime Phantom Requiem for the Phantom zuende gesehen verstehe aber das Ende nicht Das könnte jetzt ein Spoiler sein Elen und Reiji haben ja Elens zu Hause gefunden Dann wurde aber Reiji scheinbar erschossen, also man hat ein Schussgeräusch gehört Von wem, oder wie wurde er erschossen?List of Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Manga Manga Republic is the best online shop to buy Phantom Requiem for the Phantom items 2 kinds of items are available

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Browse through and take requiem for the phantom anime & manga tests Browse through and take requiem for the phantom anime & manga tests Sign up Log in This quiz is based on the anime Musaigen no Phantom World aired during the Spring of 16 See if you've already know everything about it In the end, they took their lives as form of atonement for all the ugly acts that they commited and to finally bring their souls at peace They died together happy, content, and by their own free will This was the best ending of an anime ever Heck, it's the best ending of any story ever for me and I'm and old guyA spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno "Phantom" is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder He unwittingly exposes the top assassin's true identity, a young girl named Ein Witnesses are usually killed, but the man is captured and taken to be brainwashed

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Looking for episode specific information Phantom Requiem for the Phantom on episode 11?Summary A spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno "Phantom" is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder He unwittingly exposes the top assassin's true identity, a young girl named EinOn several occasions, Phantom's role in Inferno is described by Scythe Master For example, in the beginning of ep 11 Phantom the strongest assassin in Inferno the title given to requiemforthephantom

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How is Phantom a "top sniper" when they seem to spend little time actually acting as snipers?Want to / read some / read allCowboy Bebop and Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ have the same type of fighting survival feeling to them The characters are well developed and the team moves forward together doing what they can to help each other stay alive Both series have amazing animation and a great story line with hints of tragedy along the way

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Phantom Requiem For The Phantom Episode 26 End Josh S Anime Blog
1800 Ayano Yamane's Crimson Spell Manga Ends on January 22; Télécharger Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Saison 1 COMPLÈTE en VOSTFR HD Episode 01 1fichier Télécharger Rapidgator Télécharger Turbobit Télécharger Uploaded Télécharger Uptobox TéléchargerPhantom Requiem for the Phantom A spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno "Phantom" is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder He unwittingly exposes the top assassin's true identity, a young girl named Ein

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Finding the best quality of Phantom Requiem for the Phantom online?Phantom Requiem for the Phantom A spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno "Phantom" is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder He uEin and Zwei are assigned to kill a Dallas mob boss named Don Lucio Together they scout out the mall where Lucio will be shopping, and they wait for the right moment to move in for the kill Also, Zwei worries that he is merely a slave being used by Inferno, and Ein worries that, by watching Zwei, she will see what she has become S1, Ep5

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This is a video that explains the ending of phantom requiem to those of us like me who didn't understand the endingOn Anime and Manga Other Titles, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Grievances with Phantom Requiem for the Phantom ending" Selamat mendownload Anime Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Sub Indo BD 1 – 26(END) beserta BATCH nya Jika ada kesalahan link atau link mati silahkan lapor pada laman yang tersedia Dan jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi terus Anikyojin untuk download anime subtitle indonesia yang lebih banyak lagi

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I felt like Phantom's MC was a placeholder done right; Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ Un jeune touriste japonais se réveille enfermé dans un entrepôt, sans savoir qui il est ni où il se trouve Dans cet endroit lugubre, une jeune femme portant un masque tente de le tuer Il lutte alors pour sa survie contre cette jeune fille, ce "Phantom" appelé Ein C'est sans se douter que la scène est1 So much fighting to live to die that way 2 Reiji and Elen were never a couple But it was obvious that he was loved The writer he just forgot about the fans by writing such a trash ending Seriously this anime is trash The ending destroys the whole story because they always fought to live and only wanted a normal life

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It should have ended with Reiji and Eren together without the assassination BS http//myanimelistnet/animelist/hybrid100 User Info hybrid100 hybrid100 (Topic Creator) 9 years ago #6 http//wwwjoshsanimeblogcom//phantomrequiemforthephantomepisode26end/ this does well in explaining the endingFilePhantom Requiem of Phantom DVDjpg Official DVD Cover of Phantom Requiem for the Phantom released in Japan This article is a list of the episodes of the Japanese anime series Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, which is animated by Bee Train and directed by Koichi Mashimo under the Project Phantom group The series went on air on on TV TokyoHe had a real skillset and personality, but left enough unsaid to use him as a placeholder for yourself As for the rest of the cast, I felt like they all had a place in the story, there wasn't anyone who I saw

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